Improving Analysis - Advancing Fair, Just, and Effective Policing

John Markovic joined the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) in October of 2016 and is the Senior Policy Advisor for the Crime Analyst in Residence (CAR) Project. In addition to this role at BJA, he provides support for the National Public Safety Partnership violence reduction initiative, technology forecasting, predictive analytics, and national technology standards development. Prior to BJA, John was a Senior Social Science Analyst for the DOJ Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), where he managed community policy partnership grants, focusing on projects related to urban violence; crime mapping and analysis; and police communications and interoperability. Previous career work focused on development of justice information systems and applied criminal justice research.
As a Program Manager at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), he oversaw national projects assessing civil rights consent decree implementation and geographic information system (GIS) development. While working for the Vera Institute of Justice in New York City, he managed development of an early prototype web-based cross-jurisdictional crime mapping for New York State and provided training on crime mapping and analysis in New York State, Brazil, and Colombia. Throughout his career, John has worked collaboratively with a diverse array of police agencies supporting applied research, geospatial analysis, data-sharing, and data-quality improvement projects.
John holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology/Criminal Justice from Northern Illinois University and Master of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Illinois at Chicago.